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Cuvintele și pozele din acest articol poate nu o sa reprezinte nimic pentru mulți dintre voi, dar pentru mine reprezintă foarte mult. Este absolut magnific ce mi s-a întâmplat in acest weekend!

Nici nu știu cu ce s încep mai întâi… Voi știți că sunt puțin spus fan al Formula 1, mai degrabă un împătimit al acestui sport.
Uneori dus la extrem, dar nu mai contează… 😂😂

Contextul este următorul: săptămâna trecuta am participat la un concurs intern organizat de Grupului Renault, un concurs a cărui tema era „Prima amintire legată de Renault F1 Team.”

Inspirația de dimineață m-a ajutat să compun un text care să atragă atenția juriului si nu doar atât, chiar să îmi acorde unul dintre cele 10 premii puse in joc.

Știam eu că sunt norocos, dar asta este mult peste ce mi-am imaginat! Sunt unul dintre cei 10 câștigători care și-au văzut numele scris pe monopostul de Formula 1 Renault!

Povestea este următoarea:

” ”The story of blue and yellow for me!”

I can remember that moment like it was yesterday. I was just 13 years old, maybe too old for starting a passion like this, but you know…it’s never too late. It was the first race of Formula 1 2006 season, Bahrain GP, the first race that I watched from start to finish, without even taking a short break. The passion for this beautiful sport increased lap by lap and it was also the moment when the “Neeeowww!“ sound produced by the cars entered in my mind for life!

All the race was with a lot of up and downs for us, I can tell `us` because I am sure that Renault is part of me from that time and much more when I start working for Renault. You cannot imagine how I screamed when Alonso narrowly missed Felipe Massa! Our champ was really lucky! The battle between 2 world champions, Alonso and Michael, was absolutely magnificent and was going till final lap. Alonso had a lot of nerve in the nail-biting finale. Passing Michael after making a pitstop was the bonus for all Renault F1 Team fans!

Can you imagine what it means 1,2 second difference between them? It was just a blink! Just a blink! A blink of victory! 😊

What about the colors of the Renault R26?  

I am sure that for many people, the red cars are more charming, but for me, the combination between Blue and Yellow was the pure perfection. The R26 was a beast tamed by a really great driver!

Look at this photo! I am speechless!!!

Later on, I had the opportunity to buy a t-shirt with that beautiful colors and I was really proud of wearing it.

Can you see it? Team spirit is there and in all of our hearts!

I cannot wait for next season when Renault F1 Team will become Alpine F1 Team! The power of blue will be back in F1!

Finally, I can only say good luck to our drivers, Ocon and Ricciardo! For all F1 supporters, please enjoy the last GPs of this really crazy year!  😊

Thank you! Stay safe!


Dovada este aici! 😍😍😍

Ce as mai putea sa spun decât ca sunt mândru și mă bucur de moment! De când am fost desemnat câștigător, savurez momentul!

Sper ca acest an sa treacă cât mai repede, situația sa revină la normal, ca să mă pot bucura de o noua cursa de Formula 1 live.


Aveți grija de voi! ♥️


Other photos:

All photos have been taken from Facebook: @RenaultF1Team Follow them for more amazing photos!

Thank you! @GroupeRenault @RenaultF1Team

